Digital Supply Chain

Strategy Day

Live Event | London | Sept 14th

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Join the Future Insights Network in London for the most exclusive gathering of supply chain leaders to discuss digital supply chain, operationalising sustainability & navigating disruption. 

For the first time since the pandemic, FIN is assembling some of the most senior and prominent members of its network for in person strategy discussions around the most pressing topics and challenges occupying the minds of the world’s top supply chain leaders today.

The strategy day will be a deep dive event giving you the opportunity to connect and debate closely with cross industry leaders. Expect an engaging and insight filled event where content is driven by participants and you have the opportunity to strategize with global VPs of supply chain who are at the cutting edge of transformation. 

With all discussions governed by Chatham House Rules, DiSC is an unmatched opportunity to get to the heart of your key challenges and to benchmark and validate ideas and strategies with supply chain’s leading minds.

Meet The Headline Speakers

Maria Villablanca

CEO& Co-Founder

Future Insights Network

Maria Villablanca

CEO& Co-Founder

Future Insights Network


10:00 - 10:20 Welcome & Morning Coffee Networking

Delegates arrive and network before the strategy day commences

10:25 - 10:30

Welcome & Introduction

Maria Villablanca, Future Insights Network CEO & Kinaxis representatives welcome delegates, introduce key themes and run through the agenda for the day.

10:30 - 11:15

Digital Supply Chain Panel Discussion + Q&A

Moderated by Maria Villablanca & Kinaxis

Digital Supply Chain & The New World Order - Optimising chain design & upgrading supply chain capabilities for success today and into the future.

The business landscape over the last 2-3 years has shifted dramatically. A global pandemic, trade wars, geo-political tensions, soaring energy prices & the looming threat of climate catastrophe has made an incredibly turbulent business landscape. Leaders are facing a constant swathe of disruptions which impact the notion of ‘business as usual’. 

Especially for supply chain leaders, this means a reimagination of business processes and capabilities to equip supply chains to effectively operate in spite of disruption. 

For this panel session we evaluate the trends of digital supply chain transformation and whether the mass digitisation initiatives which gathered speed around a decade ago are well aligned with the turbulent business landscape of today. 

We ask whether digital technologies & capabilities are essential when it comes to thriving in today’s climate? What are the key pillars of supply chain design that need to be established and how can a digital supply chain strategy support burgeoning supply chain models?

What are the areas of supply chain strategy that ought to be prioritised and how do you quickly bring these strategies to fruition?

11:20 - 11:45

Kinaxis Keynote

12:00 - 13:20

Lunch Break & Roundtable Discussions

Table 1: Leveraging AI & ML powered planning

Table 2: Operationalising supply chain sustainability

Table 3: Advanced demand forecasting & demand sensing

Table 4: Supply Chain risk mitigation strategies

Table 5: Developing agile supply chain models

Table 6: Developing circular supply chain models

13:30 - 14:10

Kinaxis Workshops:

Working sessions as the group is divided into 2 for practical insights and knowledge exchange

Leadership in the age of automation - empowering data driven decision making

Building sustainable cultures to ensure long term business continuity & viability

14:20 - 14:45

Keynote Session

Kinaxis Client Case Study - Unilever, BAT, Mars, Schneider Electric?

14:55 - 15:35

Sustainable Supply Chain Panel Discussion + Q&A

Moderated by Maria Villablanca & Kinaxis

Operationalising Supply Chain Sustainability - Strategies for carbon neutrality & supply chain optimisation

Sustainability is now a firm responsibility of supply chain professionals. Given that the carbon footprint of the E2E supply chain for manufacturing organisations can equate to up to 80% of an organisation’s emissions, it is the task of supply chain professionals to understand, measure and reduce the scope 1,2 & 3 emissions of their operations. 

However many companies are at the very beginning of this journey and the task of even beginning to fully understand the extent of your scope 3 emissions can be daunting.

Wherever you find yourselves in this journey, it is essential that progress is made quickly, if not, companies run the risk of being frozen out by the changing demands of customers and facing carbon taxes and regulations that dramatically impact cash flow. 

In this session we explore how organisations should be taking the crucial first steps and importantly examine how supply chain optimisation strategies and digital transformations can play a role in building sustainable supply chains.

15:40 - 16:00

Networking Coffee & Event Close